Saturday, February 26, 2011

Aku suka jugak.

guys peeps gals and people out there, best gilos hari nii. hihi. birthday party sofia. wahh! grand gilaa ahh. suka pegang rizqyy weh. comell <3 andd pudingg ituu sgt sedaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap! hihihi. sekarang baru kenai budak2 tmn diaa yg slalu dia cerita. PL pon ada. tp depa tgh gaduh. sofia jerit cm org gilaa. heehh :D tp mmg cooperate gilaa ahh taman depaa. sapa yg pi MSSD, GOOD LUCK (; Ibrahim number ONE (:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Facebook =='

hey peeeepz, it's facebook time. er, every second is a fb time  I thinkk. erghh~! that is my problem. macam mane ehhhh nak stop facebook for meanwhile. baca buku laaa super oiii. qeja dok mengadap benda tak guna ni/. *sekarang ni pon dok tuleh menatang nii. terok kan aku? -.- I have noo mood to studyy laaa mees. everytime I started to study, tgk2 the computer is ON!  so, apa lagi kan, chiawww laaa. huhhh. any tips nice people? HOHO :D 

enoughh facebook enough! dont incite meeee everytime I want to study! I wanna kill youu HAHAHAHA! *super duper evil laughh! you know what, my homework is higher than the Gunung Everestt. SIKIT kan? hmpa punya homework banyak lagi. tu lah minah ni, homework SIKIT pon tk boleh buad. pemalaihhhhhh bakk LAZY. 

p/s : thanks to my followers. appreciate ittt much, loveee (:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm sorry.

heyy friend, sorrryyy sorry sorry. I have to make this decision for our own goood. it's not proper for this time being. rightt? hm chill up okayy? nanti aku belanja hg aiskrim nah * derek ayat ni ja. HAHA :D
by the way, I appreciate it muchh (:

hey gals, I LOVE MY FRIENDS. <3

they are my life. it means nothing without them really. but biarlah kawan itu membimbing kita kearah kebaikan kan. kawan yg sentiasa mengingatkan kita jika kita buad salah.

I choose true friends. how about you?

her name is bb. she's beautiful. my husband <3

my bestie forever (:

we're friends since we are in standard 2 (:
we are young :D
we laugh we cry together.